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Contribute to Static Snap

Welcome to the Static Snap contribution guide! We’re thrilled that you’re considering contributing to Static Snap. As an open-source project, we rely on the community’s support to keep improving, and we welcome contributions of all kinds. Whether you’re interested in reporting bugs, suggesting features, enhancing documentation, or submitting code, your input is valuable.

There are several ways you can get involved with Static Snap:

Found a bug? Help us make Static Snap better by reporting it! To report bugs, head over to our GitHub repository and create a new issue. Please include as much detail as possible, such as steps to reproduce the problem, expected behavior, and any relevant error messages.

Have an idea for a new feature or improvement? We’d love to hear from you! You can propose new features by opening a feature request in our GitHub repository. We’ll review your suggestion and provide feedback or ask for further details.

Good documentation is key to helping others use Static Snap effectively. If you spot errors or areas that could be clarified, feel free to contribute by editing the documentation. You can submit your improvements via a pull request on our GitHub repository.

Want to get hands-on and improve Static Snap’s codebase? Fork our repository and submit a pull request with your changes. Before submitting your pull request, please ensure that you:

  • Follow our contribution guidelines.
  • Write clear commit messages and include relevant information in your pull request description.
  • Test your code thoroughly to ensure it doesn’t break existing functionality.

To get started with contributing, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Repository: Fork the Static Snap GitHub repository to your own GitHub account.

  2. Clone Your Fork: Clone the forked repository to your local machine to start making changes.

    Terminal window
    git clone

What’s on your mind?

Create GitHub Issue

Quickest way to alert our team of a problem.